Platform costs drop by 15 % by Bloomreach Engagement use case optimization
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Platform costs drop by 15 % by Bloomreach Engagement use case optimization


JustPark is a park and pay app - a sharing economy digital platform that links 5.5 million active drivers with over 45,000 listed parking locations in the United Kingdom via digital touchpoints.

Colours of Data and Datacop were brought in to JustPark to audit their use of Bloomreach Engagement, with the aim to see how to maximize the value of the investment into the unification of customer data. The audit identified a use case - which sends emails and app push notifications repeatedly before a user’s vehicle’s MOT certificate expires - to be optimized.

This use case redirects to a personalized landing page that has pre-filtered results based on the user’s vehicle and home location information.
This saves time for the user as well as reminds the less-organized car owners about their MOT responsibility.


Re-designed the vehicle data pipeline to ensure 100% eligible users receive the campaign.

Our investigation confirmed - by comparing expected and actual send-outs - that the original design did not take into account that it will be running for more than a year, therefore renewed expiry timestamps haven't been imported.

Re-designed the automated flow logic to use 60% less data capacity with the same volumes of send-outs.

The use-case’s original design created 2 extra events to be replaced with native features of Bloomreach Engagement.

Growth-hacked the email creatives to increase their Clickthrough Rate % of the campaigns by +15% and +11%

The original visual and copy design was minimalistic, so after a creative brainstorm two major A/B tests have been conducted:

  • the first was testing the viability of an attractive and thematic hero image, involving two variants (focus on car vs focus on gauge)
  • the following test compared a copy that invoked the idea of Social Proof vs the original copy.

Approx. 50% of the users who should have been receiving notifications were not – once the pipeline fixes were implemented they returned to their normal level.

15% of annual platform cost has been saved by stopping the tracking of unnecessary events, as Customer Data Platform costs are directly linked to the number of events processed by the system.

By introducing new creatives, the car visuals outperformed the control group by +8 % Clickthrough Rate and the garage visuals had an uplift of +15 % Clickthrough Rate compared to the control group in a 3 week testing period.

This has shown that having image visuals in this automated scenario has value and set all the emails with the Garage visual. We agreed that going forward a test using an animated Hero image vs a static Hero image could be a solution to drive incremental growth further.

Emails with the Social Proof Copy had a +11 % Clickthrough Rate uplift in a 2 week testing period. This has shown that using a well-phrased Social Proof in an appropriate context has a positive impact on the Clickthrough Rate of an email.

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